MMWA Mid-Missouri Wrestling Alliance MPPW Memphis Power Pro
Wrestling MPRO Michinoku Pro-Wrestling MPW Midwest Pro Wrestling
MRW Midwest Renegade Wrestling MVWA Mississippi Valley
Wrestling Association MWA Mountain Wrestling Association NAWA
North American Wrestling Alliance NAWF North American Wrestling
Federation NCCW North Coast Championship Wrestling NCW National
Championship Wrestling NDW New Dimension Wrestling NECW New
England Championship Wrestling NESMW New Era Smoky Mountain Wrestling
NEWA New England Wrestling Alliance NJPW New Japan Pro
Wrestling NMW New Millennium Wrestling NPW Northern Premier
Wrestling NSCW New South Championship Wrestling NSWA Northern
States Wrestling Alliance NWA National Wrestling Alliance NWC
National Wrestling Council NWF National Wrestling Federation NWF
Nittany Wrestling Federation NWL National Wrestling League nWo
New World Order OMEGA Organized Modern Extreme Grappling Arts OPW
Osaka Pro-Wrestling OVW Ohio Valley Wrestling PCW Professional
Championship Wrestling PCW Pennsylvania Championship Wrestling PCW
Powerhouse Championship Wrestling PLW Power League Wrestling PLW
Pittsburgh Wrestling League PNW Pacific Northwest Wrestling PPW
Powerhouse Pro Wrestling PSCW Power Slam Championship Wrestling PWF
Professional Wrestling Federation - North Carolina PWF Pennsylvania
Wrestling Federation PWI Pro Wrestling International PWW Pro
Wrestling Worldwide RWO Russian Wrestling Organization SCCW
South Coast Championship Wrestling SCCW Southern California
Championship Wrestling SCW Steel City Wrestling SCW Southern
Championship Wrestling SECW Southeastern Championship Wrestling SEW
Southern Extreme Wrestling SMW Smoky Mountain Wrestling SPW
Southeast Pro Wrestling Alliance SSW Southern States Wrestling SWA
Southwest Wrestling Alliance SWF Slammers Wrestling Federation SWF
Sunshine Wrestling Federation TASW Texas All-Star Wrestling TCW
Turnbuckle Championship Wrestling TMW Tennessee Mountain Wrestling TNW
Texas Nu-Age Wrestling TSWA Tri-Star Wrestling Association TVWA
Tennessee Valley Wrestling Alliance TWA Texas Wrestling Alliance UCW
Unified Championship Wrestling UCW Ultimate Championship Wrestling
UCW United Championship Wrestling UFC Ultimate Fighting
Championship UPW Ultimate Pro Wrestling USCW United States
Championship Wrestling USWA United States Wrestling Association USWF
United States Wrestling Federation UWA Universal Wrestling
Association - Mexico UWA Universal Wrestling Association UWF
Universal Wrestling Federation UWFi Union of Pro Wrestling Force
International WING Wrestling International New Generations WAR
Wrestle Association "R" WCCW World Class Championship Wrestling WCW
World Championship Wrestling WCW Windy City Wrestling WCWA West
Coast Wrestling Alliance WCWO Wild Championship Wrestling Outlaws WIW
World Independent Wrestling WMCW West Michigan Championship
Wrestling WOHW World of Hurt Wrestling WOW Women Of Wrestling WPW
World Professional Wrestling WPW Wolverine Pro Wrestling WSW
Western States Wrestling WTW World Television Wrestling WVWA
West Virginia Wrestling Alliance WWA World Wrestling Association WWC
World Wrestling Council WWF World Wrestling Federation WWE
World Wrestling Entertainment WWO World Wrestling Organization XSE
Xtreme Sports Entertainment YPW Yankee Pro Wrestling