AAA Asistencia Asesoria y Administracion ACCW Atlantic Coast
Championship Wrestling ACW American Championship Wrestling ACW
Alternative Championship Wrestling ACWA American Championship
Wrestling Alliance AIWF American Independent Wrestling Federation AJPW
All Japan Pro Wrestling AJW All Japan Women's Pro-Wrestling AMW
Appalachian Mountain Wrestling APW All Pro Wrestling APW
American Pro Wrestling APW Appalachia Pro Wrestling APWF Allied
Powers Wrestling Federation ASW All States Wrestling ASWA All
Star Wrestling Alliance ATCW Atlantic Terror Championship Wrestling AWA
American Wrestling Alliance AWA Alabama Wrestling Association AWA
American Wrestling Association AWC American Wrestling Council AWF
Atlantic Wrestling Federation BBOW Bad Boys of Wrestling BCW
Border City Wrestling BJPW Big Japan Pro-Wrestling BSW Badger
State Wrestling BTW Big Time Wrestling bWo Blue World Order CCCW
Central Carolina Championship Wrestling CCW Continental
Championship Wrestling CCW Coastal Championship Wrestling CIW
Championship International Wrestling CPW Championship Pro Wrestling CPW
Capitol Pro Wrestling CPWoM Championship Wrestling of Michigan CSWA
Central States Wrestling Association CWA Catch Wrestling
Association CWA Christian Wrestling Alliance CWF Championship
Wrestling Federation DSW Deep South Wrestling ECPW East Coast
Professional Wrestling ECW Extreme Championship Wrestling ECWA
East Coast Wrestling Association EMLL Empresa Mexicana de la Lucha
Libre EPW Eastern Pro Wrestling EPW Empire Professional
Wrestling EWA Exodus Wrestling Alliance EWA Eastern Wrestling
Alliance EWF Empire Wrestling Federation FCW Florida
Championship Wrestling FMW Frontier Martial-Arts Wrestling FNW
Far North Wrestling FULL Federacion Universal de Lucha Libre FWA
Florida Wrestling Alliance FWA Frontier Wrestling Alliance FWA
Future Wrestling Alliance FWF Florida Wrestling Federation GCW
Global Championship Wrestling GLCW Great Lakes Championship
Wrestling GMW Green Mountain Wrestling GRR Global Roughhouse
Rasslin' GWA Global Wrestling Alliance GWA Georgia Wrestling
Alliance HCW Hardcore Championship Wrestling HoPWF House of Pain
Wrestling Federation HWA Heartland Wrestling Association HWF
Hardcore Wrestling Federation ICW Independent Championship Wrestling ICW
Insane Championship Wrestling ICWA International Championship
Wrestling Alliance IPWA Independent Professional Wrestling Alliance ISPW
Independent Superstars of Pro Wrestling ISW Incredibly Strange
Wrestling IWA Independent Wrestling Association IWA
International Wrestling Alliance - Mid-South IWC International
Wrestling Cartel IWF Independent Wrestling Federation IWF Impact
Wrestling Federation IWRG Grupo Internacional Revolucion IWU
International Wrestling Union JAPW Jersey All Pro Wrestling JCP
Jim Crockett Promotions JWA Japan Wrestling Association JWPW
Japan Women's Pro-Wrestling KCW Kentuckiana Championship Wrestling KWA
HardKore Wrestling Action LIWF Long Island Wrestling Federation LLPW
Ladies Legend Pro-Wrestling LWF Lunatic Wrestling Federation lWo
Latino World Order MAW Mid American Wrestling MCW Maryland
Championship Wrestling MCW Memphis Championship Wrestling MDW
Mason-Dixon Wrestling MEW Main Event Wrestling MEW Mountain
Empire Wrestling MEW Midland Empire Wrestling MEWF Mid-Eastern
Wrestling Federation